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Create approvals on build and release Azure DevOps pipelines

On Azure devops you have the option to create both build and release pipelines. The build pipelines can be created using entirely the .yml notation in comparison with the release pipelines which should be created using a GUI. Build and release pipelines have their differences when it comes to approvals.

For release pipelines in order to create an approval flow you need to navigate in the stage and click the thunder strike. There you can locate the pre-deployment approvals and also gates that can be configured for that stage.

You can also define post-deployment approvals by clicking the person icon on the stage.

On the other hand in order to create approvals on build pipelines you will need to first create an environment. From environments you need to create a new blank environment

Then you need to navigate inside the environment and select approvals and checks

The last step would be to create a deployment job through YAML and point that environment. Every job which is created as deployment and has the environment configured will go through the approvals configured.

Lets see for example the below pipeline:

trigger: none

  vmImage: ubuntu-latest


- stage: stage1
  displayName: stage1
  - deployment: job1
    displayName: job1
    environment: appservice-west
          - task: PowerShell@2
            displayName: run powershell 1
              targetType: 'inline'
              script: |
                Write-Host "Hello from powershell 1"

- stage: stage2
  dependsOn: stage1
  displayName: stage2
  - deployment: job2
    displayName: job2
    environment: appservice-west
          - task: PowerShell@2
            displayName: run powershell 2
              targetType: 'inline'
              script: |
                Write-Host "Hello from powershell 2"

Before the execution of job1 and job2 an approval will be asked the way it is configured from the environment.

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Trigger azure Devops pipeline from another repository

For security reasons you may want to store the pipelines to another repository than the one that the code is hosted. Lets say for example that you have your application code located on test-project/repository location but your pipelines are stored on the consoleapp1 repository. Also you want to have continuous integration and deployment for the repository on which the code is hosted, so when code is pushed to repository then the pipeline should trigger which is hosted on ConsoleApp1.

You can do that using the repositories resource of azure devops. You will need to define the repository and also configure trigger for this repository based on your strategy.

The final result would be the pipeline to run when code is commited on the code repository instead of the one that pipelines are hosted.

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How Azure DevOps pipelines agent works

Azure DevOps agent is the tool on which the automation pipelines will run. Microsoft has already created predefined agent pool (macos, ubuntu, linux) for administrators to run their pipelines. These agent pools can be selected using the vmImage instruction.

vmImage: 'windows-latest' or 'ubuntu-latest' or 'macos-latest'

I have already documented the DevOps agent creation procedure and can be found on the below URL.

During the installation, the agent working directory should be selected. This is the installation path, where the pipelines files will be stored during the execution. Lets say for example that you select the C:\agent directory. During the installation a folder named work will be created and also some other folders as _diag, bin, externals. Inside the _diag folder the logs for the agent are saved.

As a result if you need to troubleshoot an Azure DevOps agent you should investigate the logs under C:\agent\_diag

Inside the work folder the pipeline files that are necessary for the runs are saved. For every pipeline run a new ID is created that will store all the files that are necessary for this run. This will be the run working directory and it is isolated between different runs. The numbers represent a build pipeline run and folders that begin with the letter r represent a release pipeline run.

Build pipelines -> Numbers
Release pipelines -> rNumber

Inside the pipeline working directory there is also a sub hierarchy with three folders (a, b, s). 

The a folder is used for the artifacts and can be used to place output files. 
The b folder is used for builds
The s folder is used for the source code checkout of repositories. 

You can access these folders using the predefined variables. For example you can find the a folder with $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) or the sources folder using $(Build.SourcesDirectory)

These predefined variables will let you interact with the building and publishing procedure and you should avoid using static entries like indicating the path itself (best practices) 

Predefined variables — Azure Pipelines | Microsoft Docs

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Maintenance Jobs for build agents explained – Azure DevOps

When you need to scale up your infrastructure, you should enable as much automated options for maintenance as possible. One of the available options for devops agents are included under Organization Settings -> Agent pools -> Settings.

There you can define automated procedures for cleanup on your agent pools.

In my setup, I changed the days to keep unused working directories to 20.

The working directories of the agent are some folders with specific numbers inside C:\agent\work.

Every time a new build is initiated a new folder for this specific run is created. If the same pipeline runs more than one time, then the same working directory will be kept and the files will get overridden. For example lets say my pipeline A is bind to the folder 5. Then every time the pipeline A runs, then the folder 5 will be used for the sources (git repositories) builds, artifacts etc. All previous data hosted there will be deleted and written again.

The maintenance jobs will remove any directories than are not used for x period of days. In my example I had set up 20 days for that task.

You can configure agent pools to periodically clean up stale working directories and repositories. This should reduce the potential for the agents to run out of disk space. Maintenance jobs are configured at the project collection or organization level in agent pool settings.

You can check your history under Organization Settings -> Agent pools -> Maintenance History.

You can also download the log and figure out how much data have been deleted.

Maintenance jobs:

Create and manage agent pools – Azure Pipelines | Microsoft Docs

Video tutorial on YouTube: