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Chaos Engineering in Azure: Automating Resilience Testing with Terraform & Pipelines

Chaos Engineering in Azure with Chaos Studio

Azure Chaos Studio is Microsoft’s managed Chaos Engineering service, allowing teams to create controlled failure scenarios in a safe and repeatable manner. With fault injection capabilities across compute, networking, and application layers, teams can simulate real-world incidents and enhance their system’s resilience.

Key Features of Azure Chaos Studio:

  • Agent-based and Service-based faults: Inject failures at the infrastructure or application level.
  • Targeted chaos experiments: Apply disruptions to specific resources like VMs, AKS, or networking components.
  • Integration with Azure Pipelines: Automate experiment execution within CI/CD workflows.

Automating Chaos Engineering with Terraform and Azure Pipelines

The repository provides a ready-to-use automation pipeline that streamlines the deployment and execution of Chaos Engineering experiments.

Terraform for Experiment Setup

Terraform is used to define and deploy chaos experiments in Azure. The repository includes IaC (Infrastructure as Code) to:

  • Provision Chaos Studio experiments.
  • Define failure scenarios (e.g., CPU stress, network latency, VM shutdowns).
  • Assign experiments to specific Azure resources.

Using Terraform ensures that experiments are version-controlled, repeatable, and easily managed across different environments.

Azure DevOps Pipeline for Experiment Execution

A CI/CD pipeline is included in the repository to automate:

  1. Deployment of Chaos Experiments using Terraform.
  2. Execution of Chaos Tests within Azure Chaos Studio.
  3. Monitoring and reporting of experiment results.

This automation allows teams to integrate chaos testing into their release process, ensuring that new changes do not introduce unforeseen weaknesses.


The pipeline consists of two stages. The first one creates the experiment through terraform and the second one will run the experiment that is created from the previous step.

The experiment is designed to target a specific web app, identified via a variable, with the intended action of stopping it. A prerequisite in order to run the experiments would be to work with a user assigned managed identity and provide the necessary IAM actions on the identity.

Finally you can find the result of the experiment on Azure inside Chaos Studio.

By combining Terraform, Azure Chaos Studio, and Azure Pipelines, you can automate and streamline Chaos Engineering in Azure. This approach helps identify system weaknesses early, improves system reliability, and ensures your cloud workloads can handle unexpected failures.


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Tasks, jobs, stages templates combined for Azure DevOps

In this article we will examine the power of templates for Azure DevOps pipelines. Templates let you define reusable content, logic, and parameters and function in two ways. You can insert reusable content with a template or you can use a template to control what is allowed in a pipeline.

When you build complex automation scenarios for your organizations, you will need to use stages, jobs and tasks as they would contain multiple environments and configuration settings.

You can find some of the reasons why you would need to follow this approach on my previous article

In this article we will examine a azure devops pipeline which contains stages, jobs and tasks. Those will be created inside templates and they will be called from the main pipeline. A high level view of the architecture can be found in the below picture.

My code structure is shown below. There is a folder for the appropriate templates and a main pipeline which is located in another folder and will refer the templates folder.

The stage.yml file will contain the template code for the stages. It has as parameter the name which will be given in the stage.

  name: ''


- stage: ${{ }}
  - template: job.yml
      name: ${{ }}_build_job

The job.yml file will contain the template code for the jobs. It has as parameter the name which will be given in the job and also a variable sign which will indicate if a task will be executed.

  name: ''
  sign: false


- job: ${{ }}
  displayName: running ${{ }} 

  - template: step.yml
      name: task1

  - ${{ if eq(parameters.sign, 'true') }}:
    - script: echo sign is requested
      displayName: sign task

The step.yml file will contain the template code for the steps. It has as parameter the name which will be given in the task.

  name: ''


- script: echo ${{ }}
  displayName: running  ${{ }}

The main.yml file is the main reference of the pipeline and the one that will be called. If you need to add more stages on it, you would only have to add another -template section under the stages.

- none

- template: templates/vars.yml  
  vmImage: $(myagent)

- template: templates/stage.yml  
    name: "App_Env1"

By executing the pipeline we can locate that we have one stage that is not visible (as it is the only one) and under this stage a job has been created for the task1 which we added on our template.

Find more about azure devops templates on my Udemy course:

Mastering Azure Devops CI/CD Pipelines with YAML | Udemy

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Curl slack webhook with powershell

The below powershell can be used to trigger a webhook URL for slack. Inside the powershell you can dynamically get variables from powershell using the json notation that is used.

$json = @"
    "text": "I am inside $($Env:ComputerName)"

if (-not((Get-Service -Name "Appinfo").Status -eq "Running") -or -not((Get-Service -Name "Dhcp").Status -eq "Running")) 
curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data $json 
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Automatic rollback procedure for Azure DevOps

Azure devops pipelines provide a variety of tools for automated procedures. One mechanism that administrators can build using the YAML structure is an automated rollback mechanism during a deployment.

This means that after a deployment you can revert the previous state using your YAML tasks without having to redeploy. Another case would be a broken deployment which can be identified by monitoring tools and then a validation could approve or not the final release. This is exactly depicted in the below image. After releasing a version we have a validation step that requires manual approval from an administrator. If the validation is approved the release will proceed else the rollback will be triggered.

This mechanism is described below with YAML. Release stage includes release, validation and rollback jobs. Release job performs the actual release. Validation will depend on release job and will continue only if is approved. The rollback job will run only if validation failed which means that an administrator canceled the approval.

trigger: none
pr: none


- stage: releaseStage

  - deployment: release
    displayName: Release
      name: dev
      resourceType: VirtualMachine
            - task: PowerShell@2
              displayName: hostname
                targetType: 'inline'
                script: |
                    deployment script here...
  - job: validation
    dependsOn: release
    pool: server
    - task: ManualValidation@0
        notifyUsers: ''
        instructions: 'continue?'
        onTimeout: reject

  - deployment: rollback
    displayName: rollback
    dependsOn: validation
    condition: failed()
      name: dev
      resourceType: VirtualMachine
            - task: PowerShell@2
              displayName: rolling back
                targetType: 'inline'
                script: |
                    rollback script here..
                    Write-Host "rollback"

When the release can be verified from the administrator the rollback will be skipped. This is the case when the validation is approved from the user.

Validation task will ask the user for a review.

On the other hand if validation is rejected the rollback stage will run.