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Download repos with ssh keys on Gitlab with MFA enabled

When you enable MFA in Gitlab you may face issues when interacting with git repositories. Some of your commands like git pull, push etc could fail and this is done because of the MFA.

There is a way to resolve those issues by communicating with ssh keys. The procedure to create and upload your keys are described in the below article.

However sometimes this may not work as in my case. The issue was that the ssh key for some reason could not be found correctly from the computer.

In order to bypass I used the ssh-add command and then pointed the directory of the key.

ssh-add ~/.ssh/gitlab_id_rsa

After this action your gitlab interaction will start working.

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Publish coverage report on SonarQube for dotnet test

When you create coverage reports for your .NET projects you have the ability to use the native logger mechanism in order to export a trx report with your results.

An example of this native functionality can be found below as the logger parameter is used along with dotnet test.

dotnet test keyvault.sln  --logger "trx;logfilename=mytests.trx"

However if you try to upload this trx file in a sonarqube in order to get your coverage report result, this will fail with the below error message.

Error message:

WARN: Could not import coverage report ‘.\Keyvault_MI_Pod\Tests\TestProject1\TestResults\mytests.trx’ because ‘Only dotCover HTML reports which start with “” are supported.’. Troubleshooting guide:

Using the below sonarqube documentation page you will find all the available methods that are supported for the coverage reporting. When you need to upload your coverage results in sonarqube you will need to use a tool from the list and upload the file that this tool generates.

.NET test coverage (

In my case I will use dotCover and create the relevant report file.

In the teamcity task (begin analysis) you will need to add in the additional parameters where you export your report.

Then in the pipeline you will need to add the dotnet test task as shown from the documentation.

dotnet dotcover test --dcReportType-HTML

In the finish task you will see the coverage report type is now compatible and can be parsed from sonarqube.

Finally you will have your coverage report inside sonarqube.

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Integrate SonarQube with Teamcity

Sonarqube is a self-managed, automatic code review tool that systematically helps you deliver clean code. SonarQube integrates into your existing workflow and detects issues in your code to help you perform continuous code inspections of your projects. In this article we will examine how to integrate it with Teamcity in order to scan our workflows during build.

First you will need to install the sonar runner for your teamcity installation. You should go in the administration tab

and then plugins

Then browse plugin directory and install the sonar runner.

After that you should go in root project and integrate sonar tool with teamcity.

Press add a new server and provide Name, URL and the Token. Token can be retrieved from your sonar installation. Under Administration select security and create a new token with an expiry date.

Finally you can create a new build definition and use the sonar scanner plugin.