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How Azure DevOps pipelines agent works

Azure DevOps agent is the tool on which the automation pipelines will run. Microsoft has already created predefined agent pool (macos, ubuntu, linux) for administrators to run their pipelines. These agent pools can be selected using the vmImage instruction.

vmImage: 'windows-latest' or 'ubuntu-latest' or 'macos-latest'

I have already documented the DevOps agent creation procedure and can be found on the below URL.

During the installation, the agent working directory should be selected. This is the installation path, where the pipelines files will be stored during the execution. Lets say for example that you select the C:\agent directory. During the installation a folder named work will be created and also some other folders as _diag, bin, externals. Inside the _diag folder the logs for the agent are saved.

As a result if you need to troubleshoot an Azure DevOps agent you should investigate the logs under C:\agent\_diag

Inside the work folder the pipeline files that are necessary for the runs are saved. For every pipeline run a new ID is created that will store all the files that are necessary for this run. This will be the run working directory and it is isolated between different runs. The numbers represent a build pipeline run and folders that begin with the letter r represent a release pipeline run.

Build pipelines -> Numbers
Release pipelines -> rNumber

Inside the pipeline working directory there is also a sub hierarchy with three folders (a, b, s). 

The a folder is used for the artifacts and can be used to place output files. 
The b folder is used for builds
The s folder is used for the source code checkout of repositories. 

You can access these folders using the predefined variables. For example you can find the a folder with $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) or the sources folder using $(Build.SourcesDirectory)

These predefined variables will let you interact with the building and publishing procedure and you should avoid using static entries like indicating the path itself (best practices) 

Predefined variables — Azure Pipelines | Microsoft Docs

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Azure DevOps agent cannot checkout GitHub repository

Recently I faced an issue with my Azure DevOps self hosted container agents. They could not checkout the git repositories and the build stopped due to the default timeout of 60 minutes per run.

This happened for multiple builds, as a result I had to investigate the reason behind this error.

By checking the logs inside the container on the C:\agent\_diag folder I could recognize an error message like the below:

A session for this agent already exists.
Agent connect error: The task agent xxx already has an active session for owner xxx.. Retrying until reconnected.

By searching online, I figured out that this is a reported bug on previous agents versions. In order to resolve, I updated and reconfigured the agent. You can update the agent, either from the GUI or by creating a new container and installing the latest version of azure devops agent.

In order to reconfigure the agent I first took an interactive shell on it.

docker exec -it agent-name powershell.exe

Then inside C:\agent run the below commands.

Reconfigure the agent

This is a temporary fix for your agent. If the problem persists you should open a support ticket on Microsoft to troubleshoot the issue.

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Create a self hosted agent on local machine for Azure Devops

Azure Devops services provide great functionality for deployment solutions. One of them is the local agent creation if you do not have a cloud/hosted available server.

In this article I will explain the procedure on how to create one.

Go to your project on your organisation and select agent pools. You can choose either the default or create a new one.

When selecting your agent pool, you should press on new agent. There you can find instructions on how to create your agent. In my case it is a Mac OS X machine

Download the files and follow the instructions. The configuration steps for Mac OS X ask for the server URL. You should input the below:

Then you should select PAT authentication and generate a new token from your account panel -> personal access tokens.

Input the access permissions for the token and the expiration date. Also copy the key on a safe place. If you do not provide sufficient access on the token, you will get errors during the configuration.

When the configuration is completed agent will try a test connection.

When the above step is finished, try to run the agent.

./ on macosx

If the procedure is succeful you will see your machine ready to accept jobs

Also the agent should appear online under agents tab