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Tasks, jobs, stages templates combined for Azure DevOps

In this article we will examine the power of templates for Azure DevOps pipelines. Templates let you define reusable content, logic, and parameters and function in two ways. You can insert reusable content with a template or you can use a template to control what is allowed in a pipeline.

When you build complex automation scenarios for your organizations, you will need to use stages, jobs and tasks as they would contain multiple environments and configuration settings.

You can find some of the reasons why you would need to follow this approach on my previous article

In this article we will examine a azure devops pipeline which contains stages, jobs and tasks. Those will be created inside templates and they will be called from the main pipeline. A high level view of the architecture can be found in the below picture.

My code structure is shown below. There is a folder for the appropriate templates and a main pipeline which is located in another folder and will refer the templates folder.

The stage.yml file will contain the template code for the stages. It has as parameter the name which will be given in the stage.

  name: ''


- stage: ${{ }}
  - template: job.yml
      name: ${{ }}_build_job

The job.yml file will contain the template code for the jobs. It has as parameter the name which will be given in the job and also a variable sign which will indicate if a task will be executed.

  name: ''
  sign: false


- job: ${{ }}
  displayName: running ${{ }} 

  - template: step.yml
      name: task1

  - ${{ if eq(parameters.sign, 'true') }}:
    - script: echo sign is requested
      displayName: sign task

The step.yml file will contain the template code for the steps. It has as parameter the name which will be given in the task.

  name: ''


- script: echo ${{ }}
  displayName: running  ${{ }}

The main.yml file is the main reference of the pipeline and the one that will be called. If you need to add more stages on it, you would only have to add another -template section under the stages.

- none

- template: templates/vars.yml  
  vmImage: $(myagent)

- template: templates/stage.yml  
    name: "App_Env1"

By executing the pipeline we can locate that we have one stage that is not visible (as it is the only one) and under this stage a job has been created for the task1 which we added on our template.

Find more about azure devops templates on my Udemy course:

Mastering Azure Devops CI/CD Pipelines with YAML | Udemy

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error: the namespace from the provided object does not match the namespace. You must pass –namespace to perform this operation

When you need to copy a secret from one namespace to another in a Kubernetes cluster you may face the below error.

error: the namespace from the provided object "" does not match the namespace "". You must pass --namespace to perform this operation

The issue can be found because of the origin namespace that is referenced inside the secret. In order to bypass you can export the secret and change the referenced namespace.

kubectl get secret mysecret --namespace=ns1 -o yaml > export.yaml

In order to get it work you will need to change the namespace according to your new namespace in the export.yaml and apply it.

namespace: ns2
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Failed to start up WiredTiger under any compatibility version. This may be due to an unsupported upgrade or downgrade

When you upgrade a standalone mongodb instance you can end up having the issue described below. When you have a version oldest than 4.4 in mongodb you should first upgrade to version 4.2 and then to version 4.4. During those steps however you must not forget to change the featureCompatibilityVersion. If you do not change this property mongodb will stop working.

"ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Failed to start up WiredTiger under any compatibility version. This may be due to an unsupported upgrade or downgrade."}

Upgrade a Standalone to 4.4 — MongoDB Manual

You can get your current compatibility Version by using the mongo shell.

db.adminCommand( { getParameter: 1, featureCompatibilityVersion: 1 } )

In this end you should change your compatibility to 4.2 before upgrading to 4.4 in order for the upgrade to be performed successfully.

db.adminCommand( { setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: "4.2" } )
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Run powershell command on virtual machines scale set

Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets let you create and manage a group of load balanced VMs. The number of VM instances can automatically increase or decrease in response to demand or a defined schedule. Scale sets are commonly used for critical infrastructure like Kubernetes and service fabric. In this guide we will examine how we can perform an action massively on all nodes of the vmss.

The below vmss is composed of windows virtual machines that belong to an azure resource.

When you need to update all the nodes of vmss with a specific action, for instance to install a powershell module, you will need to use the run-command.

az vmss run-command | Microsoft Learn

First you will need to get all instances ids as they are a parameter for the next commands.

az vmss list-instances -n $vmss_name -g $rg_name --query "[].id" --output tsv

The output should be similar with the below.


Then you can execute a powershell script on the vmss nodes by specifying the node id of the previous command and the resource group name along with the vmss name.

az vmss run-command invoke  --command-id RunPowerShellScript -n $vmss_name -g $rg_name --scripts 'hostname' --instance-id 0

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