Imagine that you want to enable diagnostic settings for multiple app services on Azure using terraform. The required options can be located under Monitoring tab.
A appropriate rule option should be created to indicate where the logs should be sent.
The available categories can be located below and I will instruct terraform to enable them all.
In order to accomplish that through terraform I used a loop. The depends_on keyword is used because firstly the app services should be created and then the diagnostic settings for them. Create a file like and place it inside your terraform working directory.
resource "azurerm_monitor_diagnostic_setting" "diag_settings_app" { depends_on = [ azurerm_windows_web_app.app_service1,azurerm_windows_web_app.app_service2 ] count = length(local.app_service_ids) name = "diag-rule" target_resource_id = local.app_service_ids[count.index] log_analytics_workspace_id = local.log_analytics_workspace_id dynamic "log" { iterator = entry for_each = local.log_analytics_log_categories content { category = entry.value enabled = true retention_policy { enabled = false } } } metric { category = "AllMetrics" retention_policy { enabled = false days = 30 } } }
Inside I have created a variable that holds the app services ids, the log analytics workspace ID on which the logs will be sent and also the categories which I want to enable on Diagnostics. As shown on the first screenshot all the categories are selected.
locals { log_analytics_workspace_id = "/subscriptions/.../geralexgr-logs" log_analytics_log_categories = ["AppServiceHTTPLogs", "AppServiceConsoleLogs","AppServiceAppLogs","AppServiceAuditLogs","AppServiceIPSecAuditLogs","AppServicePlatformLogs"] app_service_ids = [,] }
As a result the loop will enable for every app service you add on app_service_ids each Diagnostic category placed on log_analytics_log_categories variable.
Brilliant article. Worked first time for me.