Azure DevOps stages and jobs on build pipelines could save you a lot of minutes when you deal with more complex setups and heavy projects. In this article I will analyze how you can use jobs and stages to maximize performance and parallelism.
Lets take the starter pipeline example on Azure DevOps (code below). Although this is perfect for a single task scenario, it will execute tasks on a row without parallelism. The output of this pipeline will be two printed messages on your debug window.
trigger: - main pool: vmImage: ubuntu-latest steps: - script: echo Hello, world! displayName: 'Run a one-line script' - script: | echo Add other tasks to build, test, and deploy your project. echo See displayName: 'Run a multi-line script'
The two tasks that are included (script task) are located under steps. Those steps are part of a job that is not present as it is the only one.
The hierarchy of a pipeline can include the below: Stages -> Jobs -> Steps -> Tasks
On the starter pipeline two tasks are included under steps that belong on a single job. Jobs big advantage is that they can run in parallel. Take for example a big pipeline that includes a lot of jobs 30 and more. It would be time killing to wait all these jobs execute one by one. Keep in mind that one job can also fail and you will have to start the process again.
If you have a single job and all tasks are included on it, you have to use continueOnError if you do not want to stop the pipeline on a task failure.
The below example shows two jobs that can be executed on parallel based on your Azure DevOps configuration (this may include more costs on your subscription). As you can see the failure of the first job will not affect the second job that will be executed. If you are also eligible for parallel jobs, these can run simultaneously if you do not have constraints between them.
pool: vmImage: ubuntu-latest trigger: none pr: none jobs: - job: displayName: Install npm and yarn tools steps: - task: Npm@1 displayName: Install npm inputs: command: 'install' workingDir: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/s' - task: PowerShell@2 displayName: Install yarn inputs: targetType: 'inline' script: | npm install -g yarn - job: displayName: build code and publish artifact steps: - task: PowerShell@2 displayName: build code inputs: targetType: 'inline' script: | Write-Host "this task will be executed" - task: PowerShell@2 displayName: this task will fail inputs: targetType: 'inline' script: | fail
Lets now examine the power of stages. The stage includes multiple jobs as you can see from the example below. A typical production environment will include stages for QA -> DEV -> Production deployments.
This approach big advantage is that you can rerun failed jobs separately and also rerun the whole stage in separation from each other. As a typical build pipeline may take a lot of minutes to complete by using stages you do not have to rerun the whole pipeline on a task failure.
trigger: - none pool: vmImage: ubuntu-latest stages: - stage: BuildApp displayName: Build Apps jobs: - job: BuildFrontendApp displayName: Build Frontend App steps: - script: echo building frontend app displayName: build frontend app - script: echo running unit tests for frontend app displayName: unit tests frontend - job: BuildBackendApp displayName: Build Backend App steps: - script: echo building backend app displayName: build backend app - script: echo running unit tests for backend app displayName: unit tests backend - stage: DeployDev displayName: Deploy to DEV environment jobs: - job: DeployFrontendDev displayName: Deploy frontend to DEV steps: - checkout: none - script: echo deploying frontend app to DEV displayName: deploy frontend app to DEV - job: DeployBackendDev displayName: Deploy backend to DEV steps: - checkout: none - script: echo deploying backend app to DEV displayName: deploy backend app to DEV - stage: DeployProd displayName: Deploy to PROD environment jobs: - job: Failjob displayName: Running this job will fail steps: - checkout: none - script: kati displayName: deploy frontend app to PROD - job: DeployBackendProd displayName: Deploy backend to PROD steps: - checkout: none - script: echo deploying backend app to PROD displayName: deploy backend app to PROD
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