On a pipeline that I was creating I wanted to push multiple docker images on an Azure container registry based on a list. In order to do that I used the docker@2 task on a loop providing the images that I had to push as a parameter. Code is attached below.
This task will run steps based on the images you provide on the parameters list. An important note is that you need to have the image named accordingly in order to get a successful result. For example if you need to push on geralexgr.azurecr.io you will need to have your images named as below.
geralexgr.azurecr.io/image1:current-latest geralexgr.azurecr.io/image2:current-latest
Else you may notice some failures indicating the below.
The push refers to repository [***/kati/image1]
An image does not exist locally with the tag: ***/kati/image1
A successful run of the pipeline.
Additional information regarding loops and expressions on Azure DevOps pipelines:
Video tutorial on YouTube: