Recently when I used Dynamics 365 Finance and Operation tools plugin for Azure Devops I faced an issue with a missing Powershell module.

Error message:
##[error]The specified module 'MSAL.PS' was not loaded because no valid module file was found in any module directory.
In order to bypass this issue, add a PowerShell step with the below commands:
Set-PSRepository PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Trusted Install-Module MSAL.PS Import-Module MSAL.PS
Your final pipeline should look like the one below.

An additional issue you may face, could relate with the service connection authentication endpoint. The error indicates that the common endpoint cannot be used and the specific tenant-endpoint should be used instead.
##[error]AADSTS9001023: The grant type is not supported over the /common or /consumers endpoints. Please use the /organizations or tenant-specific endpoint.
Go and edit your service connection details

Endpoint URL:
Be sure that your user has sufficient privileges and that prerequisites are met as documented from Microsoft.
LCS doesn’t support service-to-service authentication. Therefore, only regular user credentials (that is, a user name and password) can be used. Because the pipelines don’t run interactively, multifactor authentication must not be set up for the account that you use. We recommend that you set up a separate user account that has limited access and strong credentials that can regularly be rotated for security purposes.
Create an LCS connection in Azure Pipelines