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Rescan storage disk capacity physical RHEL – multipath storage device

Sometimes infrastructure servers are physical and directly connected to storage and not virtual ones. In virtualization cases, one has to assign a new virtual disk on the virtual server and proceed with the expand. In case of a physical server one should do the following in order to assign more space on a partition or a lvm.

Find storage adapters and rescan them:

ls /sys/class/scsi_host/
echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/hostX/scan

where X is 0 to 10 in my system (some online and some offline)

After re scanning storage adapters a new multipath device will be visible and ready to be used.

multipath -ll
4 paths are available for this storage device ( disk 50G)

Initialize your disk and use it appropriately.

pvcreate /dev/mapper/mpathm

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Configure Postfix to Send Mail Using an External SMTP Server

Sometimes due to network configuration you cannot use your SMTP server and you want to send emails through a proxy/relay. Below you can find how to configure a linux machine so that to act as an SMTP relay and forward emails to one SMTP server.

First if not installed you should install postfix package for your linux server depending on the distribution. For example on a RedHat server you should do:

sudo yum install postfix

Then you should edit the below postfix configuration lines. Postfix configuration is handled by /etc/postfix/

  • Change inet_interfaces from localhsot to all
inet_interfaces = all

Configure the source from which the emails will be sent. For example you can use a specific host or a subnet of hosts. In my case I chose a subnet so the second line should be uncommented.

#mynetworks_style = class
mynetworks_style = subnet
#mynetworks_style = host
  • Configure your subnet source Address and mask.
You can also specify the absolute pathname of a pattern file instead
of listing the patterns here. Specify type:table for table-based lookups
(the value on the table right-hand side is not used).

mynetworks =,
#mynetworks = $config_directory/mynetworks
#mynetworks = hash:/etc/postfix/network_table
  • Add your SMTP server address in the latest line
#relayhost = $mydomain
#relayhost = []
#relayhost = [mailserver.isp.tld]
#relayhost = uucphost
relayhost = [IP_Address]

Finally test your configuration by a powershell command to verify the functionality.

Send-MailMessage -From "" -To "" -Subject "test email" -Body "test subject" -SMTPServer IP_Address
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Manage Windows machines with Ansible (winrm)

Ansible is a very powerful automation tool that is developed from RedHat. Many large organizations rely on Ansible to automate tasks and procedures. In this article I will explain how one can use ansible to manage windows clients and servers.

In order to manage windows hosts ansible winrm plugin should be used to communicate with the client/server machine.

The first step is to verify that ansible is installed.

Alongside with ansible, on the control node the pywinrm module should be also installed. By default this one is not installed and one should do it manually.

The managed Windows client/server machines should be configured to allow remote connections. A very useful power shell script is already developed from other users and it needs only to be executed on the managed host.

If your execution policy is prohibiting this script to be executed, you should set-execution policy to RemoteSigned as shown below and then execute the powershell.

Control node should have network connectivity with the managed hosts.

Some environmental variables should be used, so that ansible knows how the connection will be performed (winrm). I included those variables in my inventory file as I created this lab just for demonstration. My inventory file looks like below:



ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation = ignore
ansible_connection = winrm
ansible_user = ansible
ansible_password =

Lastly make sure that the user that is used for the connection has administrative rights on the managed windows hosts. Otherwise some error codes will be returned.

Lastly confirm ansible on managed host is working by using win_ping module.


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Users with superuser privileges – sudo and su on RHEL 8

Sudo and su are two powerful utilities on linux operating system that enables one to manipulate who is performing actions on the filesystem and with which privileges .

The main difference between those two tools is that if administrator uses su - username then he should provide the user password in order to switch to the end user rights. On the other hand with sudo command the administrator should use its own password in order to validate with the system that he wants to run as a superuser the command su - .

As a result by using sudo su - x you dont have to specify the end user password but your own password.

Another way you can authorize your self as superuser is with sudo -i so you do not have to provide the password of root in the system.

The sudo command is very powerful and useful in the linux systems because for security purposes many times you could find root user deactivated and each user has its own credentials and rights. Also actions performed with sudo commands are logged in the operating system.

The most important prerequisite in order to use sudo command in Red Hat or Centos Linux is to be a member of the wheel group. You can give a specific user sudo rights with the following:

Create a new file under /etc/sudoers.d/USERNAME

touch /etc/sudoers.d/operator

and then vi the operator file and add the following line:

operator ALL=(ALL) ALL

using sudo with a user that does not have admin rights.
using sudo after creating the necessary file under sudoers.d