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How to create a hello world Ansible module with Documentation

If you cannot locate a plugin that suits your needs by using Ansible, you can easily extend the default functionality by creating your own python module. In this article I will explain the procedure for the creation of a module.

First of all you should create a python code and use Ansible SDK. A detailed description for the creation of the development environment can be found on official documentation.

The example module is a hello world, that gets as an input your name, surname and prints a hello message.

Copy your on ansible modules location. On my working machine this is the path /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ansible/modules

When you include your documentation on the python file, you can explore it with:

ansible-doc hello
Documentation for module

If you try a module run without the required parameters, it will fail as shown below:

Plugin run without required parameters

Run your custom module by using the below playbook:

Input with only name as parameter:

- name: test playbook using custom code
  hosts: localhost
    - name: using my custom module
        name: Gerasimos
      register: result
    - name: show output
        var: result

Input with name and surname as parameters:

- name: test playbook using custom code
  hosts: localhost
    - name: using my custom module
        name: Gerasimos
        surname: Alexiou
      register: result
    - name: show output
        var: result

Code for the example module can be found on my github repo.