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Scan azure devops repositories for credentials and passwords

DevSecOps practices are important for organizations especially when it comes to code repositories. Your code should avoid hard coded passwords and secrets for many reasons as a leak may occur. In this guide I will examine how you can massively scan Azure DevOps repositories for security leaks as passwords and secrets with gitleaks utility.

Simon has provided a very useful script that you can use in order to download all your repositories from Azure DevOps.

Cloning all repositories from Azure DevOps using Azure CLI – Simon Wahlin

When you execute the script, all the repositories will be downloaded inside your project folder.

Then you will need to install gitleaks and execute for each repository.

$folder_for_cleanup = "C:\Users\geralexgr\Documents\AzureRepos"
Get-ChildItem $folder_for_cleanup | Sort -Property FullName | ForEach-Object {
                gitleaks detect -s $_.FullName -v >> gitleaks-results.txt
                echo "######################################################################################################" >> gitleaks-results.txt

The scan will go through each repository and scan for leaks. The output will be stored in gitleaks-result text file.

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