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Query Azure Easy Tables with Postman

There is an easy way to interact with Easy Tables on Azure when you want to test things.


You can use a program like postman and create a post request for your table. For example if your table is named users, you should use users after tables/



I was testing some requests and I was dealing an exception and I figured that the request should contain the following things.

In the headers is necessary to add Content-Type and Zumo-Api-Version.



After that you should easily send your post request by selecting raw in the body section.

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SQL queries with PHP on MYSQL database – Azure

A few days ago i activated Azure for students through Dreamspark. I am very happy microsoft give those tools for free in students. After searching the options that are available for free, i found that i could use some mysql databases. As mysql is very common and frequently used, i created a database and wanted to add some data. Unfortunately i couldn’t find a tool for managing the database. As you may know most linux servers come with phpmyadmin pre-installed. So what about Azure?

There are many options for Azure.

  1. You can connect to your database with mysql commands using mysql command line tool.
  2. You can download a GUI tool and do the work (mysql workbench)
  3. You can use any php code to connect.

So here comes this github project with which you can connect on a mysql database that is stored in Azure.

See more details in the below pictures

First of all you must create a mysql database.


After you create the database you must press properties window to see the connection credentials. Those are: Host name, Database Name, Username, Password.


Then you are ready to start using your mysql database. And here comes the PHPqAzure.

As you can see, after entering your credentials you can run your queries. Query result is returned after query is executed.


Create a test table.



Add some data


And you are ready. You can see the result with a mysql GUI management tool like Mysql Workbench.


You can perform as many queries as you want. Make sure your queries executed successfully with the results tab.

If i enter something wrong then the result will inform me for that.



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Application Insights VS2015 failed to add applicationinsights.config

If you ever deal with the problem

nuget package install  failed to add applicationinsights.config

in Visual studio 2015 and Windows 10 you only have to create a file and name it  ApplicationInsights.config with the code below. That’s because vs and nuget cannot create this file in the root folder of your project.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ApplicationInsights xmlns="">

You must enter your specific InstrumentationKey for the application that you have registered through Azure portal for Insights.

The trick is that you must select Build Action as Content and Copy always to output folder
