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kubectl commands cheat sheet for daily kubernetes administration

This is a cheat sheet for basic k8s commands that one k8s administrator can use daily.

Apply a YAML definition on k8s-cluster:

kubectl apply -f pod.yaml

Apply a definition on specific namespace:

Kubectl apply -f kati.yml -n namespacename

Create a new namespace:

kubectl create ns namespacename

Set k8s cluster context:

kubectl config use-context geralexgr-aks

Get k8s cluster context:

kubectl config view

Create a deployment:

kubectl create deployment new-app --image=hello-world:latest

Delete a deployment:

kubectl delete deployment nginx -n nginx

Describe a service:

Kubectl describe service/myservice

Get logs for pod:

Kubectl logs pod-123

Get cluster namespaces:

kubectl get namespace

Set active namespace:

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace nginx

Delete a pod:

kubectl delete pod nginx-pod

Scale a deployment:

kubectl scale --replicas=5 deployment/deploymentname

Get pods with labels:

kubectl get pods --show-labels

Get cluster scoped resources:

kubectl api-resources

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