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Install windows azure devops agent on docker container

On previous articles I have explained how you can install an azure devops agent on the operating system in order to create your self hosted agent pools for your projects.

Windows installation example:

Mac OS X installation example:

But what if you need to create multiple agents inside a virtual machine? The best solution would be to use docker virtualization and separate those agents from each other. We will now examine how we can host our azure devops agents on containers.

The first thing that you will need is a virtual machine that runs docker. When this requirement is fulfilled you can jump on the image building. In order to build your image you will need your Dockerfile and the instructions for the agent.

You can read the rest of the article on Medium using the link below:

A detailed deployment video can be found on my Udemy course:

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dynamically set dependsOn using variables – Azure devops

DependsOn is a condition on Azure devops with which you can define dependencies between jobs and stages.

An example can be found in the below picture where the stage2 depends from the production stage and will execute only when the production stage finishes. If the production stage fails, then the stage2 will not continue its execution.

The typical way to define a dependency would be by naming the stages and note on which stage you need your dependencies. For example in the stage2 we use dependsOn with the value stage1

- stage: stage1
  displayName: running stage1
  - job: job1
    displayName: running job1
    - script: echo job1.task1
      displayName: running job1.task1  

- stage: stage2
  dependsOn: stage1
  displayName: running stage2
  - job: job2
    displayName: running job2
    - script: echo job2.task1
      displayName: running job1.task1  

However you can also define dependsOn using a variable. This means that you can dynamically set under which stage another stage will depend and not by setting that as a static variable.

An example of this can be found below:

  - name: myparam
    type: string
      - production
      - dev
      - qa

  ${{ if eq( parameters['myparam'], 'production' ) }}:
    myenv: production
  ${{ elseif eq( parameters['myparam'], 'dev' ) }}:
    myenv: dev
  ${{ elseif eq( parameters['myparam'], 'qa' ) }}:
    myenv: qa

- none

  vmImage: ubuntu-latest

- stage: ${{ variables.myenv }}
  displayName: running ${{ variables.myenv }}
  - job: job1
    displayName: running job1
    - script: echo job1.task1
      displayName: running job1.task1  

- stage: stage2
  dependsOn: ${{ variables.myenv }}
  displayName: running stage2
  - job: job2
    displayName: running job2
    - script: echo job2.task1
      displayName: running job1.task1  

When we run the pipeline we will be asked for the environment as a parameter.

This parameter will be then passed into a variable and then this variable will be used for dependsOn condition.

You could also use the parameter itself as shown below.

- stage: stage2
  dependsOn: ${{ variables.myenv }}
  displayName: running stage2
  - job: job2
    displayName: running job2
    - script: echo job2.task1
      displayName: running job1.task1  

Keep in mind that when you use variables, you should use the template syntax which is processed at compile time.

Youtube video:

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Stages explained in Azure Pipelines – Azure DevOps

Stages on Azure devops can be a powerful tool when it comes to complex environments as you can divide the deployment process into different logical units. For example you could have different stages for different environments like Uat, Dev, Production or you could separate functionality for different products or technology stacks like FrontEnd, Backend, Mobile etc.

In this article we will examine the dependsOn keyword that creates dependencies between various stages and indicates which should run first and what will be the sequence.

Main scenario
We have an application that is created from various components/microservices. Those components need to be compiled in one or more binaries and be exported for release in our platform/hosting provider. In order to deploy our application we will need to first compile all those dependencies, export them and later on use them in the release tasks.

Example 1
In the below example we have starting point which will be some initialization for our environment. Then we continue with the build steps that will be the components A, B, C and then we need to produce the artifacts. The artifacts stage need to wait for all three components stages to be completed so we use dependsOn and provide as a list all the component stages. After the artifact stage we evaluate the result and if we have a success we deploy the application in a new stage otherwise we perform a rollback. Rollback and deploy application will be executed only if the condition of the stage is true so as to create a branching logic.

When you need to depend ON more than one stages you can provide those as a list


- none

  vmImage: ubuntu-latest

- stage: Stage_Starting_Point
  displayName: Starting point
  - job: Starting_point_Job
    displayName:  Starting_point_Job
    - script: echo pre processing
      displayName: pre processing

- stage: Stage_Comp_A
  dependsOn: Stage_Starting_Point
  displayName: Stage Component A
  - job: Job_Comp_A
    displayName:  Job Component A
    - script: echo building Component A
      displayName: build component A

- stage: Stage_Comp_B
  displayName: Stage Component B
  dependsOn: Stage_Starting_Point
  - job: Job_Comp_B
    displayName:  Job Component B
    - script: echo building Component B
      displayName: build component B

- stage: Stage_Comp_C
  dependsOn: Stage_Starting_Point
  displayName: Stage Component C
  - job: Job_Comp_C
    displayName:  Job Component C
    - script: echo building Component C
      displayName: build component C

- stage: Stage_Artifacts
  - Stage_Comp_A
  - Stage_Comp_B
  - Stage_Comp_C
  displayName: Produce artifacts
  - job: Job_Artifacts
    displayName:  Job Artifacts
    - script: echo producing artifacts
      displayName: producing artifacts

- stage: Stage_Deploy_Prod
  dependsOn: Stage_Artifacts
  condition: succeeded('Stage_Artifacts')
  displayName: Deploy application Prod
  - job: Job_Deploy_Prod
    displayName:  Job Deployment
    - script: echo deploying
      displayName: deploying application Prod

- stage: Stage_Rollback
  dependsOn: Stage_Artifacts
  condition: failed('Stage_Artifacts')
  displayName: Rolling back
  - job: Job_Rollback
    displayName:  Job Rollback
    - script: echo rolling back application
      displayName: roll back

Example 2
The second example will be the same as previous one with one small difference. After the deploy for the production environment we want to deploy also on the Disaster recovery environment. For this scenario we depend on production stage and also the rollback stage, but as we see from the output we have the final stage skipped.

You can specify the conditions under which each stage, job, or step runs. By default, a job or stage runs if it does not depend on any other job or stage, or if all of the jobs or stages that it depends on have completed and succeeded

As a result deploy application DR stage will run only if we remove the dependency from the roll back stage. As the rollback stage is skipped, the final stage is also skipped.


- none

  vmImage: ubuntu-latest

- stage: Stage_Starting_Point
  displayName: Starting point
  - job: Starting_point_Job
    displayName:  Starting_point_Job
    - script: echo pre processing
      displayName: pre processing

- stage: Stage_Comp_A
  dependsOn: Stage_Starting_Point
  displayName: Stage Component A
  - job: Job_Comp_A
    displayName:  Job Component A
    - script: echo building Component A
      displayName: build component A

- stage: Stage_Comp_B
  displayName: Stage Component B
  dependsOn: Stage_Starting_Point
  - job: Job_Comp_B
    displayName:  Job Component B
    - script: echo building Component B
      displayName: build component B

- stage: Stage_Comp_C
  dependsOn: Stage_Starting_Point
  displayName: Stage Component C
  - job: Job_Comp_C
    displayName:  Job Component C
    - script: echo building Component C
      displayName: build component C

- stage: Stage_Artifacts
  - Stage_Comp_A
  - Stage_Comp_B
  - Stage_Comp_C
  displayName: Produce artifacts
  - job: Job_Artifacts
    displayName:  Job Artifacts
    - script: echo producing artifacts
      displayName: producing artifacts

- stage: Stage_Deploy_Prod
  dependsOn: Stage_Artifacts
  condition: succeeded('Stage_Artifacts')
  displayName: Deploy application Prod
  - job: Job_Deploy_Prod
    displayName:  Job Deployment
    - script: echo deploying
      displayName: deploying application Prod

- stage: Stage_Rollback
  dependsOn: Stage_Artifacts
  condition: failed('Stage_Artifacts')
  displayName: Rolling back
  - job: Job_Rollback
    displayName:  Job Rollback
    - script: echo rolling back application
      displayName: roll back

- stage: Stage_Deploy_DR
  - Stage_Rollback
  - Stage_Deploy_Prod
  displayName: Deploy application DR
  - job: Job_Deploy_DR
    displayName:  Job Deployment
    - script: echo deploying
      displayName: deploying application DR

Microsoft Docs:

Youtube video:

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Azure DevOps inventory – export data for devops organization

Inventory is necessary for many organizations when it comes to technology tools and services. As Azure devops is a complex tool which includes many services such as Repositories, Pipelines, Test Runs and more, you may want some times to export a dump of the created assets inside your DevOps account.

Using the below powershell script, you can export

  • Agent pools
  • Agents
  • Repositories
  • Projects
  • Pipelines

The first version of the tool will display all the information gathered through Azure DevOps REST API on the output console. On future versions I will improve the output and also the gathered information.

You can execute the inventory script by following the instructions on Github. The only thing that you will need to provide is a PAT token inside the $organizations hashtable.

$organizations= @(

After the execution you will get the information in the console output.